Campus Ministry and Service Learning Coordinator
Through a culture of joyful learning, Cristo Rey San José celebrates and develops students’ unique gifts as they encounter God’s love and become leaders who shape society with and for others.
Cristo Rey San José is a Jesuit, Catholic college-prep high school where students of any faith commit to a rigorous curriculum and professional work experience. Students realize their inherent potential and prepare to complete a post-secondary education that will set them on a path toward a sustainable, fulfilling future. Through the Ignatian charism of cura personalis, students facing barriers to opportunity become leaders filled with passion, purpose, confidence and conscience.
The Campus Ministry department is the driving force of faith and spirituality for the CRSJ community; our programs enliven and animate the Catholic and Jesuit identity of our school for our students, our faculty and staff, our parents and families.
The department seeks to nurture and develop the spiritual lives of our students, supporting and enriching them to live lives filled with faith, hope and love in service to others. Through retreats, monthly prayer services, Masses,morning prayer, the daily Examen, sacramental preparations, and other formational activities, we invite andencourage every student to seek God’s presence in all things and to live authentically “for the greater glory ofGod.” Our community reflects Jesus’ care and concern for all people regardless of color, creed, or country. Welive in solidarity with the poor and with creation, we advocate for those suffering from injustices, and we take joyin being “men and women for others.” As a school, which functions in an interreligious context, we foster unity by integrating prayer experiences from different religious traditions.
The Campus Ministry programs at Cristo Rey are rooted in the Jesuit tradition, inspired by Gospel values, andinfluenced by our students’ lived realities. Our programs are designed to integrate faith, culture, and life -encouraging students to think critically and ethically about the world around them - so as to create the Kingdom ofGod here on Earth. Each component of the program reflects our profile of the “Graduate at Graduation,” as wellas the three core elements of Cristo Rey Network’s spirituality: message, community, and service. The ultimategoal is the formation of students into morally grounded young adults who have developed a relationship withJesus Christ and are striving to realize their unique gifts and vocation as they build “right relationships with God,with one another, and with creation.”
The Campus Ministry and Service Learning coordinator fosters the Catholic and Jesuit identity of the school through the promotion and creation of programming that supports the school mission. The Campus Ministry and Service Learning Coordinator provides opportunities and activities that enable students to respond to the invitation of St. Ignatius Loyola to “find God in all things,” to live “for the greater glory of God,” and seek the “magis” as they become young “men and women for others.”
The Campus Ministry and Service Learning Coordinator is expected to work a flexible schedule, including some nights and weekends, in order to accommodate the various needs of the programs.
The Campus Ministry and Service Learning Coordinator is responsible for the overall worship and faith life of theschool, including the following:
Jesuit/Ignatian Animator
Utilize the charism and the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Jesuits as guiding principles of formation
Attend Jesuit School Network and Jesuits West conferences and professional development opportunities related to the work of this position
Creates and maintains relationships with the appropriate personnel at local Jesuit entities
Liturgies and Worship:
School-wide Masses to commence and conclude the school year, and for various sacred times and Holy days of obligations during the school year (usually monthly)
Community masses for the greater Cristo Rey San Jose community 2-3 times a year
Baccalaureate Mass (end of the school year, coordinated with graduation)
Prayer Services
Reconciliation Services during Lent and throughout the year
Organizes liturgical music for Masses and prayer services
When necessary, schedule off-campus priests to say Mass
Recruit and train Student and Faculty Eucharistic Ministers for school Masses
Freshman Retreat – single day, full class
Sophomore Retreat – two separate 2-day / 1-night retreats
Junior Retreat – one 3-day / 2-night Kairos retreats
Senior Retreat – one overnight or day retreat
Facilitates Prayer Service within Staff-wide Retreats
Recruit, train, and prepare adult chaperones/leaders for all of the retreats with coordination of the Dean of Student Culture (to help balance the school-wide adult supervision system)
Sacramental Preparation:
Campus Ministry guides interested students through the learning processes that lead them into full participation inthe Catholic Church. Those students interested in receiving their First Reconciliation, First Communion, andConfirmation can participate in a catechesis program at Cristo Rey.
First Eucharist
Service Learning Coordination:
Maintain relationships with local non-profit and service oriented organizations
Plan, coordinate, and communicate all the service opportunities to students and teachers
Collaborate with students and the Religion Department to implement the school's scaffolded four-yearservice program
Monitor student service hours through the online database (MobileServe) and communicate updates toteachers
Facilitate CRSJ Striving For Justice Day of Service
Service and Faith Immersion Trips
Leads a Culture of Service and Justice
Student Campus Ministry Leadership Development:
Mobilizes the Campus Ministry Team of students in our Student Leadership class composed of studentleaders who desire to grow in faith as they lead their classmates in prayer and spiritual development.Takes a lead role in energizing the school around Campus Ministry events and activities
Recruits, trains, and mobilizes student and adult retreat leadership teams and participants for school liturgies and prayer services
Campus Ministry Engagement, Pastoral Care, and Collaboration:
Is a member of the Student Life Team
Manages the Adult Faith Formation program
Plans and Executes the yearly Catholic Schools Week assembly and celebration
Helps to comfort and console the community in times of crisis
Builds meaningful relationships with local parishes, the Diocese of San Jose, and visiting priests
Contributes insights to the Academic Leadership Team regarding the faith life of the school
Collaborates with the Religious Studies Teachers on the integration of faith and justice in classes
Summer Bridge:
● Opportunity to assists with the faith life of the Summer Bridge Program in the summer, including the prayer service during the college trip day and daily reflection (summer work is compensated at an additional rate)
Practicing Roman Catholic.
Master’s degree in Theology, Religious Studies, Pastoral Ministry, or its equivalent preferred.
Familiarity with Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality.
Strong spiritual leadership and the ability to enliven and mobilize a faith community.
Understanding of cultural competency and the context of our school community.
Flexibility in scheduling.
Demonstrated skill in organization and collaboration.
Ability to relate to a variety of people and needs.
Strong communication skills.
Spanish-speaking preferred.
1. Stand or sit for long periods of time.
2. Speak clearly so listeners can understand.
3. Understand the speech of another person.
4. Hear sounds and recognize the difference between them.
5. See details of objects that are less than a few feet away.
6. See details of objects that are more than a few feet away.
7. Use one or two hands to grasp, move, or assemble objects.
We understand that not all candidates will meet every qualification and believe that diverse experiences and backgrounds are valuable. We value potential and willingness to learn, so if you’re passionate about this role and think you would be able to excel, we encourage you to apply.
Range between $69,629 and $134,259 on a salary schedule based on education and years of experience. Full time employees are eligible for the following benefits: medical, dental, vision, and retirement.Employees’ premiums are covered for medical, dental and vision at 100% and dependents at 50% ifelected. This position is eligible for enrollment in the group voluntary retirement plan – 403b.
Faculty contract is 10 months
Cristo Rey San Jose is dedicated to both the letter and the spirit of the equal employment opportunity laws. Employment decisions will not be made on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), age or sexual orientation, military or veteran status or political affiliation. Employment decisions based on religious preferences and other religious needs may be made in accordance with applicable law. Cristo Rey also prohibits discrimination on the basis of these protected classifications.